Monday, June 29, 2015

Ubuntu introduces a new way to enjoy content and services on your smartphones.

The tech landscape is dominated by the smartphone and the tablet. These in turn are lorded-over by two competing operating systems familiar to us all, namely Apple's iOS and Google's Android, which can never be deposed, not even by Microsoft's millions. Right?

Not so. While Apple and Google slug it out with periodic updates to try and outdo each other, and in doing so hopefully tempt us tech buyers to swap from one major operating system to another, there are other smartphone-centric platforms out there vying for to be dominant in the longer term.

For example Windows Phone, has faltered due to its muddled tablet and desktop variants and lack of app support, and hasn't had much of an impact so far, though Microsoft hopes to change its fortunes with Windows 10 Mobile.

And then there are a the smaller and virtually unknown mobile platforms such as Jolla's Sailfish that are now starting to get some attention, with probably the most well-known being Ubuntu.

Several operating systems are fighting for the title of up-and-coming 'third ecosystem', and Ubuntu Phone has emerged as a new challenger.

Ubuntu introduces a new way to enjoy content and services on smartphones, without relying on traditional apps.Ubuntu phones are now available for sale across Europe and in China. You can purchase directly from their partners BQ and Meizu.
For the first time, you can use a phone that revolves around you and the content and services you use the most. Say goodbye to opening and switching between multiple apps and instead, let Ubuntu’s unique scopes bring everything you need to one screen.Ubuntu Phone has been designed with obsessive attention to detail. Form follows function throughout, from the ever-changing welcome screen to essentials like messaging and alarms. And the Launcher puts it all at your fingertips, whatever you’re doing with your phone.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Windows 10’s new browser

Microsoft is planning to radically overhaul its web browser in Windows 10. Sources familiar with the company’s Windows plans tell that the new browser, codenamed Spartan, will include a host of new features not found in rival browsers. Chief among the plans for Spartan is new inking support that allows Windows 10 users to annotate a web page with a stylus and send the notes and annotations to a friend or colleague. The web note service will be powered by Microsoft’s OneDrive cloud storage, meaning notes will be stored on a copy of a web page that can be accessed by any browser across multiple platforms. As annotations are shared, multiple users can doodle on a web page and share edits and annotations between groups.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Basic tips for search engine optimization

"SEO" means finding ways to increase your site's appearance in web visitors' search results. This generally means more traffic to your site.

While intense SEO can involve complex site restructuring with a firm (or consultant) that specializes in this area, there are a few simple steps you can take yourself to increase your search engine ranking.

All it requires is a little effort, and some re-thinking of how you approach content on your site.

Monitor where you stand

You won't know if your SEO efforts are working unless you monitor your search standings.You can keep an eye on your page rank with tools like Alexa and the Google toolbar.

It's also important to check your referrer log regularly to track where your visitors are coming from and the search terms they're using to find your site.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Ghost Keyboard (Notepad Trick)

People Use notepad to type and save some important or regular information, But very less people know that there is much more that we can do with Notepad.

What if i say that we can make Notepad to type automatically what ever we wish to…. Unreal ? Yes it is possible and you will be doing it by yourself in just a few moments.You can show it to your friends and surprise them. Basically it is a prank that you can do with anyone just for fun.

This Process is Also known as ” Ghost Keyboard Typing ” Because you dont even touch your keyboard and words starts displaying in your notepad automatically, When you show this to your friend or anyone else, they will be excited to learn this from you as well.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Security tips to protect your website from hackers

Keep software up to date

It may seem obvious, but ensuring you keep all software up to date is vital in keeping your site secure. This applies to both the server operating system and any software you may be running on your website such as a CMS or forum. When website security holes are found in software, hackers are quick to attempt to abuse them.

If you are using a managed hosting solution then you don't need to worry so much about applying security updates for the operating system as the hosting company should take care of this.

If you are using third-party software on your website such as a CMS or forum, you should ensure you are quick to apply any security patches. Most vendors have a mailing list or RSS feed detailing any website security issues. WordPress, Umbraco and many other CMSes notify you of available system updates when you log in.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What is SSL Certificate and how it increases the website security?

When you are surfing the internet, a lot of information is being exchanged between the web host and the device being used to surf the internet. This type of information can always be easily breached by hackers, especially if it involves online transactions and this has always been a major issue when dealing with the internet. Nowadays, cases of online theft are becoming increasingly popular. There is one way of determining whether a site is safe to use through an SSL CERTIFICATE which is powered by the beauty of cryptography.

Copy Data automatically From USB to your PC On Insert

We sometime wish that if someone insert his/her USB Into your pc then its data automatically copy in to your system in hidden Form.There is no need of software in this. we will make it possible with the help of some Dos commands.
lets get started, Follow the below steps.

Steps to Disable or Enable Administrator Using Command Prompt

Command Prompt, also known as cmd.exe or just cmd (after its executable file name), is the command-line interpreter on OS/2 and eComStation, Windows CE and Windows NT operating systems. It is the counterpart of COMMAND.COM in DOS and Windows 9x systems (where it is also called "MS-DOS Prompt"), or some of the Unix shells used on Unix-like systems. (More advanced Unix shells must be compared with Windows PowerShell, another command-line interpreter of Windows.)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How make a Key Logger in C language.

Keylogger is a computer program which captures all the key strokes pressed by user in real time. It captures all the keys and write them to some file say log.txt and stores it on computer hard disk. Now sending these logs to emails or FTP address depends upon the type of keylogger that is keylogger is remote keylogger or physical keylogger. Physical keyloggers are useful when you have physical access to that system and can retrieve logs personally. While remote keyloggers can be used from anywhere in the world, the only requirement is that victim must have internet connection. Today we will be writing a C program of Physical keylogger or Keystroke logger which requires physical access of the system. We will be extending our logic in further programs to make it remote keylogger which sends logs to FTP’s and Emails directly.

Algorithm for writing a Simple Keylogger :

1. Create an Empty log file for storing keylogs.
2. Intercept keys pressed by user using GetAsyncKeyState() function.
3.  Store these intercepted values in file.
4.  Hide the Running Window Dialog to make it undetectable.
5.  Use while loop to make it running in all conditions.
6.  Add Sleep() function to reduce the CPU usage to 0%.